

file  devfs.c
 Devices file system.
file  devfs_ops.c
 Implementation of VFS operations for the devfs file system server.
file  fat.c
 FAT file system driver for HelenOS.
file  fat_dentry.c
 Functions that work with FAT directory entries.
file  fat_fat.c
 Functions that manipulate the File Allocation Tables.
file  fat_idx.c
 Layer for translating FAT entities to VFS node indices.
file  fat_ops.c
 Implementation of VFS operations for the FAT file system server.
file  loader.h
 Program loader interface.
file  mkfat.c
 Tool for creating new FAT file systems.
file  pcb.h
 Program Control Block interface.
file  tmpfs.c
 File system driver for in-memory file system.
file  tmpfs_dump.c
 Support for loading TMPFS file system dump.
file  tmpfs_ops.c
 Implementation of VFS operations for the TMPFS file system server.
file  vfs_file.c
 Various operations on files have their home in this file.
file  vfs_lookup.c
file  vfs_node.c
 Various operations on VFS nodes have their home in this file.
file  vfs_ops.c
 Operations that VFS offers to its clients.
file  vfs_register.c

Data Structures

struct  devfs_node_t
struct  device_t
 Opened devices structure. More...
struct  fat_bs
struct  fat_bs
struct  fat_cfg
 Configurable file-system parameters. More...
struct  fat_dentry_t
struct  fat_idx_t
 FAT index structure. More...
struct  fat_node
 FAT in-core node. More...
struct  fat_params
 Derived file-system parameters. More...
struct  freed_t
 Each instance of this type describes one interval of freed VFS indices. More...
struct  fs_info_t
 A structure like this will be allocated for each registered file system. More...
struct  loader_t
 Abstraction of a loader connection. More...
struct  pcb_t
 Program Control Block. More...
struct  plb_entry_t
 Each instance of this type describes one path lookup in progress. More...
struct  rdentry
struct  refcnt_data
struct  tmpfs_dentry
struct  tmpfs_node
struct  unused_t
 Each instance of this type describes state of all VFS indices that are currently unused. More...
struct  vfs_client_data_t
struct  vfs_file_t
 Instances of this type represent an open file. More...
struct  vfs_lookup_res_t
struct  vfs_node_t
 Instances of this type represent an active, in-memory VFS node and any state which may be associated with it. More...
struct  vfs_pair_t
struct  vfs_triplet_t


#define BPC(bs)   (BPS((bs)) * SPC((bs)))
#define BPS(bs)   uint16_t_le2host((bs)->bps)
#define BS_BLOCK   0
#define BS_BLOCK   0
#define BS_SIZE   512
#define BS_SIZE   512
#define CLBN2PBN(bs, cl, bn)   (SSA((bs)) + ((cl) - FAT_CLST_FIRST) * SPC((bs)) + (bn) % SPC((bs)))
#define DEVICES_BUCKETS   256
#define DEVICES_KEYS   1
#define DIRENT_SIZE   32
#define div_round_up(a, b)   (((a) + (b) - 1) / (b))
 Divide and round up.
#define dprintf()
#define DPS(bs)   (BPS((bs)) / sizeof(fat_dentry_t))
#define FAT1   0
#define FAT_ATTR_RDONLY   (1 << 0)
#define FAT_ATTR_SUBDIR   (1 << 4)
#define FAT_ATTR_VOLLABEL   (1 << 3)
#define FAT_CLST_BAD   0xfff7
#define FAT_CLST_FIRST   0x0002
#define FAT_CLST_LAST1   0xfff8
#define FAT_CLST_LAST8   0xffff
#define FAT_CLST_RES0   0x0000
#define FAT_CLST_RES1   0x0001
#define fat_clusters_get(numc, bs, dh, fc)   fat_cluster_walk((bs), (dh), (fc), NULL, (numc), (uint16_t) -1)
#define FAT_DENTRY_DOT   0x2e
#define FAT_DENTRY_E5_ESC   0x05
#define FAT_DENTRY_ERASED   0xe5
#define FAT_DENTRY_UNUSED   0x00
#define FAT_EXT_LEN   3
#define FAT_EXT_PAD   " "
#define FAT_LCASE_LOWER_EXT   0x10
#define FAT_LCASE_LOWER_NAME   0x08
#define FAT_NAME_DOT   ". "
#define FAT_NAME_DOT_DOT   ".. "
#define FAT_NAME_LEN   8
#define FAT_NODE(node)   ((node) ? (fat_node_t *) (node)->data : NULL)
#define FAT_PAD   ' '
#define FATCNT(bs)   (bs)->fatcnt
#define FILES   (VFS_DATA->files)
#define FS_NODE(node)   ((node) ? (node)->bp : NULL)
#define FS_NODE(node)   ((node) ? (node)->bp : NULL)
#define KEY_DEV_HANDLE   1
#define KEY_FS_HANDLE   0
#define KEY_INDEX   2
#define max(a, b)   ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX_MNTOPTS_LEN   256
#define MAX_OPEN_FILES   128
#define min(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define NAME   "vfs"
#define NAME   "tmpfs"
#define NAME   "fat"
#define NAME   "devfs"
#define NAME   "mkfat"
#define NODES_BUCKETS   256
#define NODES_KEY_DEV   0
#define NODES_KEY_INDEX   1
#define RDE(bs)   uint16_t_le2host((bs)->root_ent_max)
#define RDS(bs)
#define RSCNT(bs)   uint16_t_le2host((bs)->rscnt)
#define SF(bs)   uint16_t_le2host((bs)->sec_per_fat)
#define SPC(bs)   (bs)->spc
#define SSA(bs)   (RSCNT((bs)) + FATCNT((bs)) * SF((bs)) + RDS(bs))
#define TMPFS_COMM_SIZE   1024
#define TMPFS_NODE(node)   ((node) ? (tmpfs_node_t *)(node)->data : NULL)
#define TMPFS_SOME_ROOT   0
 All root nodes have index 0.
#define TS(bs)
#define UIH_BUCKETS_LOG   12
#define UIH_DH_KEY   0
#define UIH_INDEX_KEY   1
#define UPH_BUCKETS_LOG   12
#define UPH_DH_KEY   0
#define UPH_PDI_KEY   2
#define UPH_PFC_KEY   1
#define VFS_DATA   ((vfs_client_data_t *) async_client_data_get())
#define VFS_PAIR
 VFS_PAIR uniquely represents a file system instance.
 VFS_TRIPLET uniquely identifies a file system node (e.g.


typedef void(*) entry_point_t (void)
typedef fat_cfg fat_cfg_t
 Configurable file-system parameters.
typedef uint16_t fat_cluster_t
typedef fat_node fat_node_t
 FAT in-core node.
typedef fat_params fat_params_t
 Derived file-system parameters.


enum  { , media_descriptor = 0xF8 }
 Predefined file-system parameters. More...
enum  fat_dentry_clsf_t
enum  fat_node_type_t
enum  tmpfs_dentry_type_t
enum  vfs_node_type


int _fat_block_get (block_t **block, fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t fcl, fat_cluster_t *clp, aoff64_t bn, int flags)
 Read block from file located on a FAT file system.
static void _vfs_node_addref (vfs_node_t *node)
void devfs_close (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static void devfs_connection (ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall)
static int devfs_create_node (fs_node_t **rfn, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, int lflag)
void devfs_destroy (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static int devfs_destroy_node (fs_node_t *fn)
static devmap_handle_t devfs_device_get (fs_node_t *fn)
static int devfs_has_children (bool *has_children, fs_node_t *fn)
static fs_index_t devfs_index_get (fs_node_t *fn)
bool devfs_init (void)
static bool devfs_is_directory (fs_node_t *fn)
static bool devfs_is_file (fs_node_t *fn)
static int devfs_link_node (fs_node_t *pfn, fs_node_t *cfn, const char *nm)
static unsigned int devfs_lnkcnt_get (fs_node_t *fn)
void devfs_lookup (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static int devfs_match (fs_node_t **rfn, fs_node_t *pfn, const char *component)
void devfs_mount (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
void devfs_mounted (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static int devfs_node_get (fs_node_t **rfn, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fs_index_t index)
static int devfs_node_get_internal (fs_node_t **rfn, devmap_handle_type_t type, devmap_handle_t handle)
static int devfs_node_open (fs_node_t *fn)
static int devfs_node_put (fs_node_t *fn)
void devfs_open_node (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static char devfs_plb_get_char (unsigned pos)
void devfs_read (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static int devfs_root_get (fs_node_t **rfn, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
static aoff64_t devfs_size_get (fs_node_t *fn)
void devfs_stat (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
void devfs_sync (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
void devfs_truncate (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static int devfs_unlink_node (fs_node_t *pfn, fs_node_t *cfn, const char *nm)
void devfs_unmount (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
void devfs_unmounted (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
void devfs_write (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
static int devices_compare (unsigned long key[], hash_count_t keys, link_t *item)
static hash_index_t devices_hash (unsigned long key[])
static void devices_remove_callback (link_t *item)
int fat_alloc_clusters (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, unsigned nclsts, fat_cluster_t *mcl, fat_cluster_t *lcl)
 Allocate clusters in all copies of FAT.
int fat_alloc_shadow_clusters (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t *lifo, unsigned nclsts)
 Replay the allocatoin of clusters in all shadow instances of FAT.
int fat_append_clusters (fat_bs_t *bs, fat_node_t *nodep, fat_cluster_t mcl, fat_cluster_t lcl)
 Append a cluster chain to the last file cluster in all FATs.
int fat_block_get (block_t **block, struct fat_bs *bs, fat_node_t *nodep, aoff64_t bn, int flags)
 Read block from file located on a FAT file system.
static int fat_blocks_write (struct fat_params const *par, devmap_handle_t handle)
 Create file system with the given parameters.
static void fat_bootsec_create (struct fat_params const *par, struct fat_bs *bs)
 Construct boot sector with the given parameters.
int fat_chop_clusters (fat_bs_t *bs, fat_node_t *nodep, fat_cluster_t lcl)
 Chop off node clusters in all copies of FAT.
fat_dentry_clsf_t fat_classify_dentry (const fat_dentry_t *d)
void fat_close (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
int fat_cluster_walk (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t firstc, fat_cluster_t *lastc, uint16_t *numc, uint16_t max_clusters)
 Walk the cluster chain.
static void fat_connection (ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall)
 This connection fibril processes VFS requests from VFS.
static int fat_create_node (fs_node_t **, devmap_handle_t, int)
void fat_dentry_name_get (const fat_dentry_t *d, char *buf)
void fat_dentry_name_set (fat_dentry_t *d, const char *name)
bool fat_dentry_name_verify (const char *name)
int fat_dentry_namecmp (char *name, const char *component)
 Compare path component with the name read from the dentry.
void fat_destroy (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int fat_destroy_node (fs_node_t *)
static devmap_handle_t fat_device_get (fs_node_t *node)
int fat_fill_gap (fat_bs_t *bs, fat_node_t *nodep, fat_cluster_t mcl, aoff64_t pos)
 Fill the gap between EOF and a new file position.
int fat_free_clusters (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t firstc)
 Free clusters forming a cluster chain in all copies of FAT.
int fat_get_cluster (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, unsigned fatno, fat_cluster_t clst, fat_cluster_t *value)
 Get cluster from the first FAT.
static int fat_has_children (bool *, fs_node_t *)
static int fat_idx_create (fat_idx_t **fidxp, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
void fat_idx_destroy (fat_idx_t *idx)
 Destroy the index structure.
void fat_idx_fini (void)
void fat_idx_fini_by_devmap_handle (devmap_handle_t)
fat_idx_tfat_idx_get_by_index (devmap_handle_t, fs_index_t)
fat_idx_tfat_idx_get_by_pos (devmap_handle_t, fat_cluster_t, unsigned)
int fat_idx_get_new (fat_idx_t **, devmap_handle_t)
void fat_idx_hashin (fat_idx_t *)
void fat_idx_hashout (fat_idx_t *)
int fat_idx_init (void)
int fat_idx_init_by_devmap_handle (devmap_handle_t)
static bool fat_index_alloc (devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fs_index_t *index)
 Allocate a VFS index which is not currently in use.
static void fat_index_free (devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fs_index_t index)
 Free a VFS index, which is no longer in use.
static fs_index_t fat_index_get (fs_node_t *)
static bool fat_is_directory (fs_node_t *)
static bool fat_is_file (fs_node_t *node)
static int fat_link (fs_node_t *, fs_node_t *, const char *)
static unsigned fat_lnkcnt_get (fs_node_t *)
void fat_lookup (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int fat_match (fs_node_t **, fs_node_t *, const char *)
void fat_mount (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void fat_mounted (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int fat_node_fini_by_devmap_handle (devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
static int fat_node_get (fs_node_t **rfn, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fs_index_t index)
 Instantiate a FAT in-core node.
static int fat_node_get_core (fat_node_t **nodepp, fat_idx_t *idxp)
 Internal version of fat_node_get().
static int fat_node_get_new (fat_node_t **nodepp)
static void fat_node_initialize (fat_node_t *node)
static int fat_node_open (fs_node_t *)
static int fat_node_put (fs_node_t *)
static int fat_node_sync (fat_node_t *node)
void fat_open_node (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int fat_params_compute (struct fat_cfg const *cfg, struct fat_params *par)
 Derive sizes of different filesystem structures.
static char fat_plb_get_char (unsigned)
void fat_read (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int fat_root_get (fs_node_t **, devmap_handle_t)
int fat_sanity_check (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
 Perform basic sanity checks on the file system.
int fat_set_cluster (fat_bs_t *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, unsigned fatno, fat_cluster_t clst, fat_cluster_t value)
 Set cluster in one instance of FAT.
static aoff64_t fat_size_get (fs_node_t *)
void fat_stat (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void fat_sync (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void fat_truncate (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int fat_unlink (fs_node_t *, fs_node_t *, const char *)
void fat_unmount (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void fat_unmounted (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void fat_write (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
int fat_zero_cluster (struct fat_bs *bs, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fat_cluster_t c)
 Mutex protecting the VFS node hash table.
static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE (ffn_mutex)
 Mutex protecting the list of cached free FAT nodes.
static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE (used_lock)
 Mutex protecting the up_hash and ui_hash.
static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE (unused_lock)
 Mutex protecting the list of unused structures.
static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE (fat_alloc_lock)
 The fat_alloc_lock mutex protects all copies of the File Allocation Table during allocation of clusters.
static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE (devices_mutex)
 Hash table mutex.
 FIBRIL_RWLOCK_INITIALIZE (namespace_rwlock)
 This rwlock prevents the race between a triplet-to-VFS-node resolution and a concurrent VFS operation which modifies the file system namespace.
vfs_info_tfs_handle_to_info (fs_handle_t handle)
 Find the VFS info structure.
fs_handle_t fs_name_to_handle (char *name, bool lock)
 Convert file system name to its handle.
static int idx_compare (unsigned long key[], hash_count_t keys, link_t *item)
static hash_index_t idx_hash (unsigned long key[])
static void idx_remove_callback (link_t *item)
static bool is_d_char (const char ch)
 PLB entry ring buffer.
static LIST_INITIALIZE (ffn_head)
 List of cached free FAT nodes.
static LIST_INITIALIZE (unused_head)
 List of unused structures.
void loader_abort (loader_t *)
 Cancel the loader session.
loader_tloader_connect (void)
int loader_get_task_id (loader_t *, task_id_t *)
 Get ID of the new task.
int loader_load_program (loader_t *)
 Instruct loader to load the program.
int loader_run (loader_t *)
 Instruct loader to execute the program.
int loader_set_args (loader_t *, const char *const [])
 Set command-line arguments for the program.
int loader_set_cwd (loader_t *)
 Set current working directory for the loaded task.
int loader_set_files (loader_t *, fdi_node_t *const [])
 Set preset files for the program.
int loader_set_pathname (loader_t *, const char *)
 Set pathname of the program to load.
int loader_spawn (const char *)
 Connect to a new program loader.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Main entry point.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
static int nodes_compare (unsigned long key[], hash_count_t keys, link_t *item)
static hash_index_t nodes_hash (unsigned long key[])
static void nodes_remove_callback (link_t *item)
static int pos_compare (unsigned long key[], hash_count_t keys, link_t *item)
static hash_index_t pos_hash (unsigned long key[])
static void pos_remove_callback (link_t *item)
static void refcnt_visitor (link_t *item, void *arg)
static void syntax_print (void)
void tmpfs_close (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static void tmpfs_connection (ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall)
 This connection fibril processes VFS requests from VFS.
static int tmpfs_create_node (fs_node_t **, devmap_handle_t, int)
static void tmpfs_dentry_initialize (tmpfs_dentry_t *dentryp)
void tmpfs_destroy (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int tmpfs_destroy_node (fs_node_t *)
static devmap_handle_t tmpfs_device_get (fs_node_t *fn)
static int tmpfs_has_children (bool *has_children, fs_node_t *fn)
static fs_index_t tmpfs_index_get (fs_node_t *fn)
bool tmpfs_init (void)
static void tmpfs_instance_done (devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
static bool tmpfs_instance_init (devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
static bool tmpfs_is_directory (fs_node_t *fn)
static bool tmpfs_is_file (fs_node_t *fn)
static int tmpfs_link_node (fs_node_t *, fs_node_t *, const char *)
static unsigned tmpfs_lnkcnt_get (fs_node_t *fn)
void tmpfs_lookup (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int tmpfs_match (fs_node_t **, fs_node_t *, const char *)
void tmpfs_mount (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void tmpfs_mounted (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int tmpfs_node_get (fs_node_t **, devmap_handle_t, fs_index_t)
static void tmpfs_node_initialize (tmpfs_node_t *nodep)
static int tmpfs_node_open (fs_node_t *)
static int tmpfs_node_put (fs_node_t *)
void tmpfs_open_node (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static char tmpfs_plb_get_char (unsigned pos)
void tmpfs_read (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
bool tmpfs_restore (devmap_handle_t)
static bool tmpfs_restore_recursion (devmap_handle_t dev, size_t *bufpos, size_t *buflen, aoff64_t *pos, fs_node_t *pfn)
static int tmpfs_root_get (fs_node_t **rfn, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
static aoff64_t tmpfs_size_get (fs_node_t *fn)
void tmpfs_stat (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void tmpfs_sync (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void tmpfs_truncate (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int tmpfs_unlink_node (fs_node_t *, fs_node_t *, const char *)
void tmpfs_unmount (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void tmpfs_unmounted (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void tmpfs_write (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static void try_coalesce_intervals (link_t *l, link_t *r, link_t *cur)
 If possible, coalesce two intervals of freed indices.
static unused_tunused_find (devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, bool lock)
static void unused_initialize (unused_t *u, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle)
void * vfs_client_data_create (void)
void vfs_client_data_destroy (void *)
void vfs_close (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static void vfs_connection (ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *icall)
void vfs_dup (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
int vfs_fd_alloc (bool desc)
 Allocate a file descriptor.
int vfs_fd_assign (vfs_file_t *file, int fd)
 Assign a file to a file descriptor.
int vfs_fd_free (int fd)
 Release file descriptor.
static void vfs_file_addref (vfs_file_t *file)
 Increment reference count of VFS file structure.
static int vfs_file_close_remote (vfs_file_t *file)
 Close the file in the endpoint FS server.
static int vfs_file_delref (vfs_file_t *file)
 Decrement reference count of VFS file structure.
vfs_file_tvfs_file_get (int fd)
 Find VFS file structure for a given file descriptor.
void vfs_file_put (vfs_file_t *file)
 Stop using a file structure.
static void vfs_files_done (void)
 Cleanup the table of open files.
static bool vfs_files_init (void)
 Initialize the table of open files.
void vfs_fstat (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
int vfs_grab_phone (fs_handle_t handle)
 For a given file system handle, implement policy for allocating a phone.
static bool vfs_info_sane (vfs_info_t *info)
 Verify the VFS info structure.
int vfs_lookup_internal (char *path, int lflag, vfs_lookup_res_t *result, vfs_pair_t *altroot,...)
 Perform a path lookup.
void vfs_mkdir (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_mount (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static void vfs_mount_internal (ipc_callid_t rid, devmap_handle_t devmap_handle, fs_handle_t fs_handle, char *mp, char *opts)
void vfs_node_addref (vfs_node_t *node)
 Increment reference count of a VFS node.
void vfs_node_delref (vfs_node_t *node)
 Decrement reference count of a VFS node.
void vfs_node_forget (vfs_node_t *node)
 Forget node.
vfs_node_tvfs_node_get (vfs_lookup_res_t *result)
 Find VFS node.
void vfs_node_put (vfs_node_t *node)
 Return VFS node when no longer needed by the caller.
bool vfs_nodes_init (void)
 Initialize the VFS node hash table.
unsigned vfs_nodes_refcount_sum_get (fs_handle_t, devmap_handle_t)
void vfs_open (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_open_node (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
int vfs_open_node_internal (vfs_lookup_res_t *result)
 Perform a node open operation.
static void vfs_rdwr (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request, bool read)
void vfs_read (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_register (ipc_callid_t rid, ipc_call_t *request)
 VFS_REGISTER protocol function.
void vfs_release_phone (fs_handle_t handle, int phone)
 Tell VFS that the phone is not needed anymore.
void vfs_rename (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_seek (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_stat (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_sync (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_truncate (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
static int vfs_truncate_internal (fs_handle_t, devmap_handle_t, fs_index_t, aoff64_t)
void vfs_unlink (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_unmount (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)
void vfs_write (ipc_callid_t, ipc_call_t *)


 A pointer to the program control block.
libfs_ops_t devfs_libfs_ops
 libfs operations
fs_reg_t devfs_reg
fs_reg_t devfs_reg
static vfs_info_t devfs_vfs_info
static hash_table_t devices
 Hash table of opened devices.
static hash_table_operations_t devices_ops
libfs_ops_t fat_libfs_ops
 libfs operations
fs_reg_t fat_reg
fs_reg_t fat_reg
vfs_info_t fat_vfs_info
atomic_t fs_handle_next
link_t fs_head
 List of registered file systems.
fibril_rwlock_t namespace_rwlock
 Holding this rwlock prevents changes in file system namespace.
hash_table_t nodes
 VFS node hash table containing all active, in-memory VFS nodes.
hash_table_t nodes
 Hash table of all TMPFS nodes.
hash_table_operations_t nodes_ops
 VFS node hash table operations.
hash_table_operations_t nodes_ops
 TMPFS nodes hash table operations.
uint8_t * plb = NULL
 Path Lookup Buffer.
uint8_t * plb
 Path Lookup Buffer.
link_t plb_head
 List of active PLB entries.
fibril_mutex_t plb_mutex
 Mutex protecting plb and plb_head.
vfs_pair_t rootfs
 Root file system.
vfs_pair_t rootfs
 Root file system.
libfs_ops_t tmpfs_libfs_ops
 libfs operations
libfs_ops_t tmpfs_libfs_ops
 libfs operations
fs_index_t tmpfs_next_index = 1
 Global counter for assigning node indices.
fs_reg_t tmpfs_reg
fs_reg_t tmpfs_reg
vfs_info_t tmpfs_vfs_info
static hash_table_t ui_hash
 Global hash table of all used fat_idx_t structures.
static hash_table_operations_t uih_ops
static hash_table_t up_hash
 Global hash table of all used fat_idx_t structures.
static hash_table_operations_t uph_ops

Define Documentation



        fs_index_t index;
VFS_TRIPLET uniquely identifies a file system node (e.g.

directory, file) but doesn't contain any state. For a stateful structure, see vfs_node_t.

fs_handle, devmap_handle and index are meant to be returned in one IPC reply.

Definition at line 72 of file vfs.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Predefined file-system parameters.

media_descriptor  fixed disk

Definition at line 58 of file mkfat.c.

Function Documentation

int _fat_block_get ( block_t **  block,
fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
fat_cluster_t  fcl,
fat_cluster_t clp,
aoff64_t  bn,
int  flags 

Read block from file located on a FAT file system.

block Pointer to a block pointer for storing result.
bs Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
fcl First cluster used by the file. Can be zero if the file is empty.
clp If not NULL, address where the cluster containing bn will be stored. stored
bn Block number.
flags Flags passed to libblock.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 207 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_alloc_clusters ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
unsigned  nclsts,
fat_cluster_t mcl,
fat_cluster_t lcl 

Allocate clusters in all copies of FAT.

This function will attempt to allocate the requested number of clusters in all instances of the FAT. The FAT will be altered so that the allocated clusters form an independent chain (i.e. a chain which does not belong to any file yet).

bs Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
nclsts Number of clusters to allocate.
mcl Output parameter where the first cluster in the chain will be returned.
lcl Output parameter where the last cluster in the chain will be returned.
EOK on success, a negative error code otherwise.

Definition at line 403 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_alloc_shadow_clusters ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
fat_cluster_t lifo,
unsigned  nclsts 

Replay the allocatoin of clusters in all shadow instances of FAT.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
lifo Chain of allocated clusters.
nclsts Number of clusters in the lifo chain.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 366 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_append_clusters ( fat_bs_t bs,
fat_node_t nodep,
fat_cluster_t  mcl,
fat_cluster_t  lcl 

Append a cluster chain to the last file cluster in all FATs.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
nodep Node representing the file.
mcl First cluster of the cluster chain to append.
lcl Last cluster of the cluster chain to append.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 543 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_block_get ( block_t **  block,
struct fat_bs bs,
fat_node_t nodep,
aoff64_t  bn,
int  flags 

Read block from file located on a FAT file system.

block Pointer to a block pointer for storing result.
bs Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
nodep FAT node.
bn Block number.
flags Flags passed to libblock.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 142 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_chop_clusters ( fat_bs_t bs,
fat_node_t nodep,
fat_cluster_t  lcl 

Chop off node clusters in all copies of FAT.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector of the file system.
nodep FAT node where the chopping will take place.
lcl Last cluster which will remain in the node. If this argument is FAT_CLST_RES0, then all clusters will be chopped off.
EOK on success or a negative return code.

Definition at line 590 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_cluster_walk ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
fat_cluster_t  firstc,
fat_cluster_t lastc,
uint16_t *  numc,
uint16_t  max_clusters 

Walk the cluster chain.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector for the file.
devmap_handle Device handle of the device with the file.
firstc First cluster to start the walk with.
lastc If non-NULL, output argument hodling the last cluster number visited.
numc If non-NULL, output argument holding the number of clusters seen during the walk.
max_clusters Maximum number of clusters to visit.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 84 of file fat_fat.c.

static void fat_connection ( ipc_callid_t  iid,
ipc_call_t icall 
) [static]

This connection fibril processes VFS requests from VFS.

In order to support simultaneous VFS requests, our design is as follows. The connection fibril accepts VFS requests from VFS. If there is only one instance of the fibril, VFS will need to serialize all VFS requests it sends to FAT. To overcome this bottleneck, VFS can send FAT the IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO call. In that case, a new connection fibril will be created, which in turn will accept the call. Thus, a new phone will be opened for VFS.

There are few issues with this arrangement. First, VFS can run out of available phones. In that case, VFS can close some other phones or use one phone for more serialized requests. Similarily, FAT can refuse to duplicate the connection. VFS should then just make use of already existing phones and route its requests through them. To avoid paying the fibril creation price upon each request, FAT might want to keep the connections open after the request has been completed.

Definition at line 78 of file fat.c.

int fat_dentry_namecmp ( char *  name,
const char *  component 

Compare path component with the name read from the dentry.

This function compares the path component with the name read from the dentry. The comparison is case insensitive and tolerates a mismatch on the trailing dot character at the end of the name (i.e. when there is a dot, but no extension).

name Node name read from the dentry.
component Path component.
Zero on match, non-zero otherwise.

Definition at line 62 of file fat_dentry.c.

int fat_fill_gap ( fat_bs_t bs,
fat_node_t nodep,
fat_cluster_t  mcl,
aoff64_t  pos 

Fill the gap between EOF and a new file position.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector for nodep.
nodep FAT node with the gap.
mcl First cluster in an independent cluster chain that will be later appended to the end of the node's own cluster chain. If pos is still in the last allocated cluster, this argument is ignored.
pos Position in the last node block.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 255 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_free_clusters ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
fat_cluster_t  firstc 

Free clusters forming a cluster chain in all copies of FAT.

bs Buffer hodling the boot sector of the file system.
devmap_handle Device handle of the file system.
firstc First cluster in the chain which is to be freed.
EOK on success or a negative return code.

Definition at line 508 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_get_cluster ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
unsigned  fatno,
fat_cluster_t  clst,
fat_cluster_t value 

Get cluster from the first FAT.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector for the file system.
devmap_handle Device handle for the file system.
clst Cluster which to get.
value Output argument holding the value of the cluster.
EOK or a negative error code.

Definition at line 307 of file fat_fat.c.

void fat_idx_destroy ( fat_idx_t idx  ) 

Destroy the index structure.

idx The index structure to be destroyed.

Definition at line 507 of file fat_idx.c.

static int fat_node_get_core ( fat_node_t **  nodepp,
fat_idx_t idxp 
) [static]

Internal version of fat_node_get().

idxp Locked index structure.

Definition at line 267 of file fat_ops.c.

static int fat_params_compute ( struct fat_cfg const *  cfg,
struct fat_params par 
) [static]

Derive sizes of different filesystem structures.

This function concentrates all the different computations of FAT file system params.

Definition at line 207 of file mkfat.c.

int fat_sanity_check ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle 

Perform basic sanity checks on the file system.

Verify if values of boot sector fields are sane. Also verify media descriptor. This is used to rule out cases when a device obviously does not contain a fat file system.

Definition at line 668 of file fat_fat.c.

int fat_set_cluster ( fat_bs_t bs,
devmap_handle_t  devmap_handle,
unsigned  fatno,
fat_cluster_t  clst,
fat_cluster_t  value 

Set cluster in one instance of FAT.

bs Buffer holding the boot sector for the file system.
devmap_handle Device handle for the file system.
fatno Number of the FAT instance where to make the change.
clst Cluster which is to be set.
value Value to set the cluster with.
EOK on success or a negative error code.

Definition at line 337 of file fat_fat.c.

static FIBRIL_MUTEX_INITIALIZE ( fat_alloc_lock   )  [static]

The fat_alloc_lock mutex protects all copies of the File Allocation Table during allocation of clusters.

The lock does not have to be held durring deallocation of clusters.

vfs_info_t * fs_handle_to_info ( fs_handle_t  handle  ) 

Find the VFS info structure.

handle FS handle for which the VFS info structure is sought.
VFS info structure on success or NULL otherwise.

Definition at line 339 of file vfs_register.c.

fs_handle_t fs_name_to_handle ( char *  name,
bool  lock 

Convert file system name to its handle.

name File system name.
lock If true, the function will lock and unlock the fs_head_lock.
File system handle or zero if file system not found.

Definition at line 315 of file vfs_register.c.

void loader_abort ( loader_t ldr  ) 

Cancel the loader session.

Tells the loader not to load any program and terminate. After using this function, no further operations must be performed on the loader structure. It should be de-allocated using free().

ldr Loader connection structure.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 338 of file loader.c.

int loader_get_task_id ( loader_t ldr,
task_id_t task_id 

Get ID of the new task.

Retrieves the ID of the new task from the loader.

ldr Loader connection structure.
task_id Points to a variable where the ID should be stored.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 87 of file loader.c.

int loader_load_program ( loader_t ldr  ) 

Instruct loader to load the program.

If this function succeeds, the program has been successfully loaded and is ready to be executed.

ldr Loader connection structure.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 297 of file loader.c.

int loader_run ( loader_t ldr  ) 

Instruct loader to execute the program.

Note that this function blocks until the loader actually replies so you cannot expect this function to return if you are debugging the task and its thread is stopped.

After using this function, no further operations must be performed on the loader structure. It should be de-allocated using free().

ldr Loader connection structure.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 316 of file loader.c.

int loader_set_args ( loader_t ldr,
const char *const   argv[] 

Set command-line arguments for the program.

Sets the vector of command-line arguments to be passed to the loaded program. By convention, the very first argument is typically the same as the command used to execute the program.

ldr Loader connection structure.
argv NULL-terminated array of pointers to arguments.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 186 of file loader.c.

int loader_set_cwd ( loader_t ldr  ) 

Set current working directory for the loaded task.

Sets the current working directory for the loaded task.

ldr Loader connection structure.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 112 of file loader.c.

int loader_set_files ( loader_t ldr,
fdi_node_t *const   files[] 

Set preset files for the program.

Sets the vector of preset files to be passed to the loaded program. By convention, the first three files represent stdin, stdout and stderr respectively.

ldr Loader connection structure.
files NULL-terminated array of pointers to files.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 244 of file loader.c.

int loader_set_pathname ( loader_t ldr,
const char *  path 

Set pathname of the program to load.

Sets the name of the program file to load. The name can be relative to the current working directory (it will be absolutized before sending to the loader).

ldr Loader connection structure.
path Pathname of the program file.
Zero on success or negative error code.

Definition at line 150 of file loader.c.

int loader_spawn ( const char *  name  ) 

Connect to a new program loader.

Spawns a new program loader task and returns the connection structure.

name Symbolic name to set on the newly created task.
Pointer to the loader connection structure (should be deallocated using free() after use).

Definition at line 57 of file loader.c.

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Main entry point.

[in] argc Nmber of arguments in argv vector (ignored).
[in] argv Cmdline argument vector (ignored).
Error code.
Driver debug level is set here.

Definition at line 119 of file devfs.c.

static void tmpfs_connection ( ipc_callid_t  iid,
ipc_call_t icall 
) [static]

This connection fibril processes VFS requests from VFS.

In order to support simultaneous VFS requests, our design is as follows. The connection fibril accepts VFS requests from VFS. If there is only one instance of the fibril, VFS will need to serialize all VFS requests it sends to FAT. To overcome this bottleneck, VFS can send TMPFS the IPC_M_CONNECT_ME_TO call. In that case, a new connection fibril will be created, which in turn will accept the call. Thus, a new phone will be opened for VFS.

There are few issues with this arrangement. First, VFS can run out of available phones. In that case, VFS can close some other phones or use one phone for more serialized requests. Similarily, TMPFS can refuse to duplicate the connection. VFS should then just make use of already existing phones and route its requests through them. To avoid paying the fibril creation price upon each request, TMPFS might want to keep the connections open after the request has been completed.

Definition at line 84 of file tmpfs.c.

int vfs_fd_alloc ( bool  desc  ) 

Allocate a file descriptor.

desc If true, look for an available file descriptor in a descending order.
First available file descriptor or a negative error code.

Definition at line 174 of file vfs_file.c.

int vfs_fd_assign ( vfs_file_t file,
int  fd 

Assign a file to a file descriptor.

file File to assign.
fd File descriptor to assign to.
EOK on success or EINVAL if fd is an invalid or already used file descriptor.

Definition at line 254 of file vfs_file.c.

int vfs_fd_free ( int  fd  ) 

Release file descriptor.

fd File descriptor being released.
EOK on success or EBADF if fd is an invalid file descriptor.

Definition at line 225 of file vfs_file.c.

static void vfs_file_addref ( vfs_file_t file  )  [static]

Increment reference count of VFS file structure.

file File structure that will have reference count incremented.

Definition at line 134 of file vfs_file.c.

static int vfs_file_delref ( vfs_file_t file  )  [static]

Decrement reference count of VFS file structure.

file File structure that will have reference count decremented.

Definition at line 146 of file vfs_file.c.

vfs_file_t * vfs_file_get ( int  fd  ) 

Find VFS file structure for a given file descriptor.

fd File descriptor.
VFS file structure corresponding to fd.

Definition at line 278 of file vfs_file.c.

void vfs_file_put ( vfs_file_t file  ) 

Stop using a file structure.

file VFS file structure.

Definition at line 301 of file vfs_file.c.

int vfs_grab_phone ( fs_handle_t  handle  ) 

For a given file system handle, implement policy for allocating a phone.

handle File system handle.
Phone over which a multi-call request can be safely sent. Return 0 if no phone was found.

Definition at line 256 of file vfs_register.c.

static bool vfs_info_sane ( vfs_info_t info  )  [static]

Verify the VFS info structure.

info Info structure to be verified.
Non-zero if the info structure is sane, zero otherwise.

Definition at line 68 of file vfs_register.c.

int vfs_lookup_internal ( char *  path,
int  lflag,
vfs_lookup_res_t result,
vfs_pair_t altroot,

Perform a path lookup.

path Path to be resolved; it must be a NULL-terminated string.
lflag Flags to be used during lookup.
result Empty structure where the lookup result will be stored. Can be NULL.
altroot If non-empty, will be used instead of rootfs as the root of the whole VFS tree.
EOK on success or an error code from errno.h.

Definition at line 68 of file vfs_lookup.c.

void vfs_node_addref ( vfs_node_t node  ) 

Increment reference count of a VFS node.

node VFS node that will have its refcnt incremented.

Definition at line 89 of file vfs_node.c.

void vfs_node_delref ( vfs_node_t node  ) 

Decrement reference count of a VFS node.

This function handles the case when the reference count drops to zero.

node VFS node that will have its refcnt decremented.

Definition at line 102 of file vfs_node.c.

void vfs_node_forget ( vfs_node_t node  ) 

Forget node.

This function will remove the node from the node hash table and deallocate its memory, regardless of the node's reference count.

node Node to be forgotten.

Definition at line 148 of file vfs_node.c.

vfs_node_t * vfs_node_get ( vfs_lookup_res_t result  ) 

Find VFS node.

This function will try to lookup the given triplet in the VFS node hash table. In case the triplet is not found there, a new VFS node is created. In any case, the VFS node will have its reference count incremented. Every node returned by this call should be eventually put back by calling vfs_node_put() on it.

result Populated lookup result structure.
VFS node corresponding to the given triplet.

Definition at line 173 of file vfs_node.c.

void vfs_node_put ( vfs_node_t node  ) 

Return VFS node when no longer needed by the caller.

This function will remove the reference on the VFS node created by vfs_node_get(). This function can only be called as a closing bracket to the preceding vfs_node_get() call.

node VFS node being released.

Definition at line 228 of file vfs_node.c.

bool vfs_nodes_init ( void   ) 

Initialize the VFS node hash table.

Return true on success, false on failure.

Definition at line 75 of file vfs_node.c.

int vfs_open_node_internal ( vfs_lookup_res_t result  ) 

Perform a node open operation.

EOK on success or an error code from errno.h.

Definition at line 208 of file vfs_lookup.c.

void vfs_register ( ipc_callid_t  rid,
ipc_call_t request 

VFS_REGISTER protocol function.

rid Hash of the call with the request.
request Call structure with the request.

Definition at line 109 of file vfs_register.c.

void vfs_release_phone ( fs_handle_t  handle,
int  phone 

Tell VFS that the phone is not needed anymore.

phone Phone to FS task.

Definition at line 288 of file vfs_register.c.

Variable Documentation

pcb_t* __pcb

A pointer to the program control block.

Having received the PCB pointer, the C library startup code stores it here for later use.

Definition at line 37 of file pcb.c.

fs_index_t tmpfs_next_index = 1

Global counter for assigning node indices.

Shared by all instances.

Definition at line 63 of file tmpfs_ops.c.

hash_table_t ui_hash [static]

Global hash table of all used fat_idx_t structures.

The index structures are hashed by the devmap_handle and index.

Definition at line 186 of file fat_idx.c.

hash_table_t up_hash [static]

Global hash table of all used fat_idx_t structures.

The index structures are hashed by the devmap_handle, parent node's first cluster and index within the parent directory.

Definition at line 112 of file fat_idx.c.

Generated on Thu Jun 2 07:45:57 2011 for HelenOS/USB by  doxygen 1.4.7