NE2000 network interface service
[Network interface drivers]


file  dp8390.c
 NE2000 (based on DP8390) network interface core implementation.
file  dp8390.h
 DP8390 network interface definitions.
file  ne2000.c
 NE2000 network interface implementation.

Data Structures

struct  frame_t
struct  ne2k_t
struct  recv_header_t
 Type definition of the receive header. More...


#define CR_DM_ABORT   0x20
 DMA: Abort Remote DMA Operation.
#define CR_DM_NOP   0x00
 DMA: No Operation.
#define CR_DM_RR   0x08
 DMA: Remote Read.
#define CR_DM_RW   0x10
 DMA: Remote Write.
#define CR_DM_SP   0x18
 DMA: Send Packet.
#define CR_DMA   0x38
 Mask for DMA control.
#define CR_PS   0xc0
 Mask for Page Select.
#define CR_PS_P0   0x00
 Register Page 0.
#define CR_PS_P1   0x40
 Register Page 1.
#define CR_PS_P2   0x80
 Register Page 2.
#define CR_PS_T1   0xc0
 Test Mode Register Map.
#define CR_STA   0x02
 Start (activate NIC).
#define CR_STP   0x01
 Stop (software reset).
#define CR_TXP   0x04
 Transmit Packet.
#define DCR_12BYTES   0x60
 12 bytes
#define DCR_2BYTES   0x00
 2 bytes
#define DCR_4BYTES   0x40
 4 bytes
#define DCR_8BYTES   0x20
 8 bytes
#define DCR_AR   0x10
 Autoinitialize Remote.
#define DCR_BIGENDIAN   0x02
 BOS: Big Endian.
#define DCR_BMS   0x08
 Burst Mode Select.
#define DCR_BOS   0x02
 Byte Order Select.
#define DCR_BYTEWIDE   0x00
 WTS: byte wide transfers.
#define DCR_FTS   0x60
 Fifo Threshold Select.
#define DCR_LAS   0x04
 Long Address Select.
#define DCR_LTLENDIAN   0x00
 BOS: Little Endian.
#define DCR_WORDWIDE   0x01
 WTS: word wide transfers.
#define DCR_WTS   0x01
 Word Transfer Select.
#define DP_BNRY   0x03
 Boundary Pointer.
#define DP_CLDA0   0x01
 Current Local DMA Address 0.
#define DP_CLDA1   0x02
 Current Local DMA Address 1.
#define DP_CNTR0   0x0d
 Tally Counter 0.
#define DP_CNTR1   0x0e
 Tally Counter 1.
#define DP_CNTR2   0x0f
 Tally Counter 2.
#define DP_CR   0x00
 Page 0, for reading Command Register.
#define DP_CRDA0   0x08
 Current Remote DMA Address 0.
#define DP_CRDA1   0x09
 Current Remote DMA Address 1.
#define DP_CURR   0x07
 Current Page Register.
#define DP_DCR   0x0e
 Data Configuration Register.
#define DP_FIFO   0x06
#define DP_IMR   0x0f
 Interrupt Mask Register.
#define DP_ISR   0x07
 Interrupt Status Register.
#define DP_MAR0   0x08
 Multicast Address Register 0.
#define DP_MAR1   0x09
 Multicast Address Register 1.
#define DP_MAR2   0x0a
 Multicast Address Register 2.
#define DP_MAR3   0x0b
 Multicast Address Register 3.
#define DP_MAR4   0x0c
 Multicast Address Register 4.
#define DP_MAR5   0x0d
 Multicast Address Register 5.
#define DP_MAR6   0x0e
 Multicast Address Register 6.
#define DP_MAR7   0x0f
 Multicast Address Register 7.
#define DP_NCR   0x05
 Number of Collisions Register.
#define DP_PAGE   256
 Page size.
#define DP_PAR0   0x01
 Page 1, read/write Physical Address Register 0.
#define DP_PAR1   0x02
 Physical Address Register 1.
#define DP_PAR2   0x03
 Physical Address Register 2.
#define DP_PAR3   0x04
 Physical Address Register 3.
#define DP_PAR4   0x05
 Physical Address Register 4.
#define DP_PAR5   0x06
 Physical Address Register 5.
#define DP_PSTART   0x01
 Page 0, for writing Page Start Register.
#define DP_PSTOP   0x02
 Page Stop Register.
#define DP_RBCR0   0x0a
 Remote Byte Count Register 0.
#define DP_RBCR1   0x0b
 Remote Byte Count Register 1.
#define DP_RCR   0x0c
 Receive Configuration Register.
#define DP_RSAR0   0x08
 Remote Start Address Register 0.
#define DP_RSAR1   0x09
 Remote Start Address Register 1.
#define DP_RSR   0x0c
 Receive Status Register.
#define DP_TBCR0   0x05
 Transmit Byte Count Register 0.
#define DP_TBCR1   0x06
 Transmit Byte Count Register 1.
#define DP_TCR   0x0d
 Transmit Configuration Register.
#define DP_TPSR   0x04
 Transmit Page Start Register.
#define DP_TSR   0x04
 Transmit Status Register.
#define ETH_ADDR   6
 Ethernet address length.
 Maximum Ethernet packet size in bytes.
#define ETH_MIN_PACK_SIZE   60
 Minimum Ethernet packet size in bytes.
#define IMR_CNTE   0x20
 Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable.
#define IMR_OVWE   0x10
 Overwrite Warning Interrupt Enable.
#define IMR_PRXE   0x01
 Packet Received Interrupt Enable.
#define IMR_PTXE   0x02
 Packet Transmitted Interrupt Enable.
#define IMR_RDCE   0x40
 DMA Complete Interrupt Enable.
#define IMR_RXEE   0x04
 Receive Error Interrupt Enable.
#define IMR_TXEE   0x08
 Transmit Error Interrupt Enable.
#define IRQ_GET_DEVICE(call)   ((device_id_t) IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call))
 Return the device from the interrupt call.
#define IRQ_GET_ISR(call)   ((int) IPC_GET_ARG2(call))
 Return the ISR from the interrupt call.
#define IRQ_GET_TSR(call)   ((int) IPC_GET_ARG3(call))
 Return the TSR from the interrupt call.
#define ISR_CNT   0x20
 Counter Overflow.
#define ISR_OVW   0x10
 Overwrite Warning.
#define ISR_PRX   0x01
 Packet Received with no errors.
#define ISR_PTX   0x02
 Packet Transmitted with no errors.
#define ISR_RDC   0x40
 Remote DMA Complete.
#define ISR_RST   0x80
 Reset Status.
#define ISR_RXE   0x04
 Receive Error.
#define ISR_TXE   0x08
 Transmit Error.
#define NAME   "ne2000"
 Module name.
#define NE2K_DATA   0x0010
 NE2000 Data Register.
#define NE2K_ERL   10
 NE2000 error messages rate limiting.
#define NE2K_IO_SIZE   0x0020
 Input/output size.
#define NE2K_RESET   0x001f
 NE2000 Reset register.
#define NE2K_RETRY   0x1000
 NE2000 retry count.
#define NE2K_SIZE   0x4000
 NE2000 data size.
#define NE2K_START   0x4000
 NE2000 data start.
#define RCR_AB   0x04
 Accept Broadcast.
#define RCR_AM   0x08
 Accept Multicast.
#define RCR_AR   0x02
 Accept Runt Packets.
#define RCR_MON   0x20
 Monitor Mode.
#define RCR_PRO   0x10
 Physical Promiscuous.
#define RCR_SEP   0x01
 Save Errored Packets.
#define RSR_CRC   0x02
 CRC Error.
#define RSR_DFR   0x80
 In later manuals: Deferring.
#define RSR_DIS   0x40
 Receiver Disabled.
#define RSR_FAE   0x04
 Frame Alignment Error.
#define RSR_FO   0x08
 FIFO Overrun.
#define RSR_MPA   0x10
 Missed Packet.
#define RSR_PHY   0x20
 Multicast Address Match.
#define RSR_PRX   0x01
 Packet Received Intact.
#define SQ_PAGES   6
 6 * DP_PAGE >= 1514 bytes
#define TCR_0EXTERNAL   0x04
 ELC: External Loopback LPBK=0.
#define TCR_1EXTERNAL   0x06
 ELC: External Loopback LPBK=1.
#define TCR_ATD   0x08
 Auto Transmit Disable.
#define TCR_CRC   0x01
 Inhibit CRC.
#define TCR_ELC   0x06
 Encoded Loopback Control.
#define TCR_INTERNAL   0x02
 ELC: Internal Loopback.
#define TCR_NORMAL   0x00
 ELC: Normal Operation.
#define TCR_OFST   0x10
 Collision Offset Enable (be nice).
#define TSR_ABT   0x08
 Transmit Aborted.
#define TSR_CDH   0x40
 CD Heartbeat.
#define TSR_COL   0x04
 Transmit Collided.
#define TSR_CRS   0x10
 Carrier Sense Lost.
#define TSR_DFR   0x02
 Transmit Deferred (reserved).
#define TSR_FU   0x20
 FIFO Underrun.
#define TSR_OWC   0x80
 Out of Window Collision.
#define TSR_PTX   0x01
 Packet Transmitted (without error).


static void change_state (netif_device_t *device, device_state_t state)
 Change the network interface state.
static void irq_handler (ipc_callid_t iid, ipc_call_t *call)
 Handle the interrupt notification.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Main entry point.
void ne2k_down (ne2k_t *ne2k)
 Stop the network interface.
static void ne2k_download (ne2k_t *ne2k, void *buf, size_t addr, size_t size)
static void ne2k_init (ne2k_t *ne2k)
link_tne2k_interrupt (ne2k_t *ne2k, uint8_t isr, uint8_t tsr)
int ne2k_probe (ne2k_t *ne2k, void *port, int irq)
 Probe and initialize the network interface.
static link_tne2k_receive (ne2k_t *ne2k)
static frame_tne2k_receive_frame (ne2k_t *ne2k, uint8_t page, size_t length)
static void ne2k_reset (ne2k_t *ne2k)
void ne2k_send (ne2k_t *ne2k, packet_t *packet)
 Send a frame.
int ne2k_up (ne2k_t *ne2k)
 Start the network interface.
static void ne2k_upload (ne2k_t *ne2k, void *buf, size_t addr, size_t size)
int netif_get_addr_message (device_id_t device_id, measured_string_t *address)
 Return the device local hardware address.
int netif_get_device_stats (device_id_t device_id, device_stats_t *stats)
 Return the device usage statistics.
int netif_initialize (void)
 Initialize the specific module.
int netif_probe_message (device_id_t device_id, int irq, void *io)
 Probe the existence of the device.
int netif_send_message (device_id_t device_id, packet_t *packet, services_t sender)
 Send the packet queue.
int netif_specific_message (ipc_callid_t callid, ipc_call_t *call, ipc_call_t *answer, size_t *count)
 Process the netif driver specific message.
int netif_start_message (netif_device_t *device)
 Start the device.
int netif_stop_message (netif_device_t *device)
 Stop the device.
static void pio_read_buf_16 (void *port, void *buf, size_t size)
 Read a memory block word by word.
static void pio_write_buf_16 (void *port, void *buf, size_t size)
 Write a memory block word by word.


static int irc_phone = -1
static bool irc_service = false
static irq_cmd_t ne2k_cmds []
 NE2000 kernel interrupt command sequence.
static irq_code_t ne2k_code
 NE2000 kernel interrupt code.

Define Documentation

#define IRQ_GET_DEVICE ( call   )     ((device_id_t) IPC_GET_IMETHOD(call))

Return the device from the interrupt call.

[in] call The interrupt call.

Definition at line 61 of file ne2000.c.

#define IRQ_GET_ISR ( call   )     ((int) IPC_GET_ARG2(call))

Return the ISR from the interrupt call.

[in] call The interrupt call.

Definition at line 68 of file ne2000.c.

#define IRQ_GET_TSR ( call   )     ((int) IPC_GET_ARG3(call))

Return the TSR from the interrupt call.

[in] call The interrupt call.

Definition at line 75 of file ne2000.c.

Function Documentation

static void change_state ( netif_device_t device,
device_state_t  state 
) [static]

Change the network interface state.

[in,out] device Network interface.
[in] state New state.

Definition at line 193 of file ne2000.c.

static void irq_handler ( ipc_callid_t  iid,
ipc_call_t call 
) [static]

Handle the interrupt notification.

This is the interrupt notification function. It is quarantied that there is only a single instance of this notification function running at one time until the return from the ne2k_interrupt() function (where the interrupts are unmasked again).

[in] iid Interrupt notification identifier.
[in] call Interrupt notification.

Definition at line 150 of file ne2000.c.

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Main entry point.

[in] argc Nmber of arguments in argv vector (ignored).
[in] argv Cmdline argument vector (ignored).
Error code.
Driver debug level is set here.

Definition at line 399 of file ne2000.c.

void ne2k_down ( ne2k_t ne2k  ) 

Stop the network interface.

[in,out] ne2k Network interface structure.

Definition at line 365 of file dp8390.c.

int ne2k_probe ( ne2k_t ne2k,
void *  port,
int  irq 

Probe and initialize the network interface.

[in,out] ne2k Network interface structure.
[in] port Device address.
[in] irq Device interrupt vector.
EOK on success.

EXDEV if the network interface was not recognized.

Definition at line 218 of file dp8390.c.

void ne2k_send ( ne2k_t ne2k,
packet_t packet 

Send a frame.

[in,out] ne2k Network interface structure.
[in] packet Frame to be sent.

Definition at line 380 of file dp8390.c.

int ne2k_up ( ne2k_t ne2k  ) 

Start the network interface.

[in,out] ne2k Network interface structure.
EOK on success.

EXDEV if the network interface is disabled.

Definition at line 263 of file dp8390.c.

int netif_get_addr_message ( device_id_t  device_id,
measured_string_t address 

Return the device local hardware address.

This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] device_id Device identifier.
[out] address Device local hardware address.
EOK on success.

EBADMEM if the address parameter is NULL.

ENOENT if there no such device.

Other error codes as defined for the find_device() function.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 236 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_get_device_stats ( device_id_t  device_id,
device_stats_t stats 

Return the device usage statistics.

This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] device_id Device identifier.
[out] stats Device usage statistics.
EOK on success.

Other error codes as defined for the find_device() function.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 220 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_initialize ( void   ) 

Initialize the specific module.

This function has to be implemented in user code.

Definition at line 380 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_probe_message ( device_id_t  device_id,
int  irq,
void *  io 

Probe the existence of the device.

This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] device_id Device identifier.
[in] irq Device interrupt number.
[in] io Device input/output address.
EOK on success.

Other error codes as defined for the find_device() function.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 253 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_send_message ( device_id_t  device_id,
packet_t packet,
services_t  sender 

Send the packet queue.

This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] device_id Device identifier.
[in] packet Packet queue.
[in] sender Sending module service.
EOK on success.

EFORWARD if the device is not active (in the NETIF_ACTIVE state).

Other error codes as defined for the find_device() function.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 351 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_specific_message ( ipc_callid_t  callid,
ipc_call_t call,
ipc_call_t answer,
size_t count 

Process the netif driver specific message.

This function is called for uncommon messages received by the netif skeleton. This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] callid Message identifier.
[in] call Message.
[out] answer Answer.
[out] count Number of answer arguments.
EOK on success.

ENOTSUP if the message is not known.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 214 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_start_message ( netif_device_t device  ) 

Start the device.

This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] device Device structure.
New network interface state (non-negative values).

Other error codes as defined for the find_device() function.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 308 of file ne2000.c.

int netif_stop_message ( netif_device_t device  ) 

Stop the device.

This has to be implemented in user code.

[in] device Device structure.
EOK on success.

Other error codes as defined for the find_device() function.

Other error codes as defined for the specific module message implementation.

Definition at line 338 of file ne2000.c.

static void pio_read_buf_16 ( void *  port,
void *  buf,
size_t  size 
) [static]

Read a memory block word by word.

[in] port Source address.
[out] buf Destination buffer.
[in] size Memory block size in bytes.

Definition at line 117 of file dp8390.c.

static void pio_write_buf_16 ( void *  port,
void *  buf,
size_t  size 
) [static]

Write a memory block word by word.

[in] port Destination address.
[in] buf Source buffer.
[in] size Memory block size in bytes.

Definition at line 132 of file dp8390.c.

Generated on Thu Jun 2 07:45:55 2011 for HelenOS/USB by  doxygen 1.4.7