UHCI host controller driver
[UHCI driver]

Driver for UHCI complaint USB host controller. More...


file  batch.c
 UHCI driver USB transfer structure.
file  batch.h
 UHCI driver USB tranfer helper functions.
file  endpoint.c
 UHCI host controller driver structure.
file  hc.c
 UHCI Host controller driver routines.
file  hc.h
 UHCI host controller driver structure.
file  iface.c
 UHCI driver hc interface implementation.
file  iface.h
 UHCI driver iface.
file  link_pointer.h
 UHCI driver.
file  main.c
 UHCI driver initialization.
file  pci.c
 PCI related functions needed by the UHCI driver.
file  pci.h
 UHCI driver PCI helper functions.
file  queue_head.h
 UHCI driver.
file  transfer_descriptor.c
 UHCI driver.
file  transfer_descriptor.h
 UHCI driver.
file  transfer_list.c
 UHCI driver transfer list implementation.
file  transfer_list.h
 UHCI driver transfer list structure.

Data Structures

struct  hc
 Main OHCI drier structure. More...
struct  queue_head
 This structure is defined in UHCI design guide p. More...
struct  transfer_descriptor
 Transfer Descriptor, defined in UHCI design guide p. More...
struct  transfer_list
 Structure maintaining both hw queue and software list of currently executed transfers. More...
struct  uhci_regs
 UHCI I/O registers layout. More...
struct  uhci_transfer_batch
 UHCI specific data required for USB transfer. More...


#define LINK_POINTER_ADDRESS_MASK   0xfffffff0
#define LINK_POINTER_TD(address)   (address & LINK_POINTER_ADDRESS_MASK)
#define LINK_POINTER_ZERO_BIT_FLAG   (1 << 2)
#define NAME   "uhci-hcd"
#define UHCI_DEBUGER_TIMEOUT   5000000
#define UHCI_FRAME_LIST_COUNT   1024


typedef hc hc_t
 Main UHCI driver structure.
typedef uint32_t link_pointer_t
typedef queue_head qh_t
 This structure is defined in UHCI design guide p.
typedef uhci_regs regs_t
 UHCI I/O registers layout.
typedef transfer_descriptor td_t
 Transfer Descriptor, defined in UHCI design guide p.
typedef transfer_list transfer_list_t
 Structure maintaining both hw queue and software list of currently executed transfers.
typedef uhci_transfer_batch uhci_transfer_batch_t
 UHCI specific data required for USB transfer.


void batch_bulk_in (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Prepare bulk in transfer.
void batch_bulk_out (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Prepare bulk out transfer.
static void batch_control (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance, usb_packet_id data_stage, usb_packet_id status_stage)
 Prepare generic control transfer.
void batch_control_read (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Prepares control read transfer.
void batch_control_write (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Prepares control write transfer.
static void batch_data (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance, usb_packet_id pid)
 Prepare generic data transfer.
usb_transfer_batch_tbatch_get (ddf_fun_t *fun, endpoint_t *ep, char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const char *setup_buffer, size_t setup_size, usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t func_in, usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t func_out, void *arg)
 Allocate memory and initialize internal data structure.
void batch_interrupt_in (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Prepare interrupt in transfer.
void batch_interrupt_out (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Prepare interrupt out transfer.
bool batch_is_complete (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Check batch TDs for activity.
qh_tbatch_qh (usb_transfer_batch_t *instance)
 Provides access to QH data structure.
static int bind_address (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_address_t address, devman_handle_t handle)
 Bind address interface function.
static int bulk_in (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, void *data, size_t size, usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t callback, void *arg)
 Bulk in transaction interface function.
static int bulk_out (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, void *data, size_t size, usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t callback, void *arg)
 Bulk out transaction interface function.
static int control_read (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, void *setup_data, size_t setup_size, void *data, size_t size, usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t callback, void *arg)
 Control read transaction interface function.
static int control_write (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, void *setup_data, size_t setup_size, void *data, size_t size, usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t callback, void *arg)
 Control write transaction interface function.
void endpoint_clear_hc_data (endpoint_t *instance)
void endpoint_destroy (endpoint_t *instance)
int endpoint_init (endpoint_t *instance, usb_address_t address, usb_endpoint_t endpoint, usb_direction_t direction, usb_transfer_type_t type, usb_speed_t speed, size_t max_packet_size)
void endpoint_release (endpoint_t *instance)
void endpoint_set_hc_data (endpoint_t *instance, void *data, int(*toggle_get)(void *), void(*toggle_set)(void *, int))
int endpoint_toggle_get (endpoint_t *instance)
void endpoint_toggle_reset_filtered (endpoint_t *instance, usb_target_t target)
void endpoint_toggle_set (endpoint_t *instance, int toggle)
void endpoint_use (endpoint_t *instance)
static int find_by_address (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_address_t address, devman_handle_t *handle)
 Find device handle by address interface function.
static hc_tfun_to_hc (ddf_fun_t *fun)
 Get and cast pointer to the driver data.
static int hc_debug_checker (void *arg)
 Debug function, checks consistency of memory structures.
static void hc_fini (hc_t *instance)
 Safely dispose host controller internal structures.
int hc_init (hc_t *instance, void *regs, size_t reg_size, bool interrupts)
 Initialize UHCI hc driver structure.
static void hc_init_hw (hc_t *instance)
 Initialize UHCI hc hw resources.
static int hc_init_mem_structures (hc_t *instance)
 Initialize UHCI hc memory structures.
static int hc_init_transfer_lists (hc_t *instance)
 Initialize UHCI hc transfer lists.
void hc_interrupt (hc_t *instance, uint16_t status)
 Take action based on the interrupt cause.
static int hc_interrupt_emulator (void *arg)
 Polling function, emulates interrupts.
int hc_schedule (hc_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch)
 Add USB transfer to the schedule.
static int interrupt_in (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, void *data, size_t size, usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t callback, void *arg)
 Interrupt in transaction interface function.
static int interrupt_out (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, void *data, size_t size, usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t callback, void *arg)
 Interrupt out transaction interface function.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Main entry point.
int pci_disable_legacy (const ddf_dev_t *device)
 Call the PCI driver with a request to clear legacy support register.
int pci_enable_interrupts (const ddf_dev_t *device)
 Call the PCI driver with a request to enable interrupts.
int pci_get_my_registers (const ddf_dev_t *dev, uintptr_t *io_reg_address, size_t *io_reg_size, int *irq_no)
 Get I/O address of registers and IRQ for given device.
static void qh_init (qh_t *instance)
 Initialize queue head structure.
static void qh_set_element_td (qh_t *instance, td_t *td)
 Set queue head element pointer.
static void qh_set_next_qh (qh_t *instance, qh_t *next)
 Set queue head next pointer.
static int register_endpoint (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_address_t address, usb_speed_t ep_speed, usb_endpoint_t endpoint, usb_transfer_type_t transfer_type, usb_direction_t direction, size_t max_packet_size, unsigned int interval)
static int release_address (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_address_t address)
 Release address interface function.
static int request_address (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_speed_t speed, usb_address_t *address)
 Request address interface function.
static int setup_batch (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_target_t target, usb_direction_t direction, void *data, size_t size, void *setup_data, size_t setup_size, usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t in, usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t out, void *arg, const char *name, hc_t **hc, usb_transfer_batch_t **batch)
static size_t td_act_size (td_t *instance)
 Helper function for parsing actual size out of TD.
void td_init (td_t *instance, int err_count, size_t size, bool toggle, bool iso, bool low_speed, usb_target_t target, usb_packet_id pid, void *buffer, td_t *next)
 Initialize Transfer Descriptor.
static bool td_is_active (td_t *instance)
 Helper function for parsing value of active bit.
static bool td_is_short (td_t *instance)
 Check whether less than max data were received on SPD marked transfer.
void td_print_status (td_t *instance)
 Print values in status field (dw1) in a human readable way.
static void td_set_ioc (td_t *instance)
 Helper function for setting IOC bit.
int td_status (td_t *instance)
 Convert TD status into standard error code.
static int td_toggle (td_t *instance)
 Helper function for parsing value of toggle bit.
void transfer_list_abort_all (transfer_list_t *instance)
 Walk the list and finish all batches with EINTR.
void transfer_list_add_batch (transfer_list_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch)
 Add transfer batch to the list and queue.
void transfer_list_fini (transfer_list_t *instance)
 Dispose transfer list structures.
int transfer_list_init (transfer_list_t *instance, const char *name)
 Initialize transfer list structures.
static void transfer_list_remove_batch (transfer_list_t *instance, usb_transfer_batch_t *batch)
 Remove a transfer batch from the list and queue.
void transfer_list_remove_finished (transfer_list_t *instance, link_t *done)
 Add completed bantches to the provided list.
void transfer_list_set_next (transfer_list_t *instance, transfer_list_t *next)
 Set the next list in transfer list chain.
static int uhci_add_device (ddf_dev_t *device)
 Initialize a new ddf driver instance for uhci hc and hub.
static void uhci_transfer_batch_dispose (void *uhci_batch)
 Safely destructs uhci_transfer_batch_t structure.
static int unregister_endpoint (ddf_fun_t *fun, usb_address_t address, usb_endpoint_t endpoint, usb_direction_t direction)


usbhc_iface_t hc_iface
usbhc_iface_t hc_iface
static driver_t uhci_driver
static driver_ops_t uhci_driver_ops

Detailed Description

Driver for UHCI complaint USB host controller.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct queue_head qh_t

This structure is defined in UHCI design guide p.


typedef struct transfer_descriptor td_t

Transfer Descriptor, defined in UHCI design guide p.


Function Documentation

void batch_bulk_in ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Prepare bulk in transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
Data transfer with PID_IN.

Definition at line 274 of file batch.c.

void batch_bulk_out ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Prepare bulk out transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
Data transfer with PID_OUT.

Definition at line 288 of file batch.c.

void batch_control ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance,
usb_packet_id  data_stage,
usb_packet_id  status_stage 
) [static]

Prepare generic control transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
[in] data_stage Pid to use for data tds.
[in] status_stage Pid to use for data tds.
Setup stage with toggle 0 and USB_PID_SETUP. Data stage with alternating toggle and pid supplied by parameter. Status stage with toggle 1 and pid supplied by parameter. The last transfer is marked with IOC.

Definition at line 357 of file batch.c.

void batch_control_read ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Prepares control read transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
Uses generic control with pids IN and OUT.

Definition at line 230 of file batch.c.

void batch_control_write ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Prepares control write transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
Uses generic control function with pids OUT and IN.

Definition at line 214 of file batch.c.

void batch_data ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance,
usb_packet_id  pid 
) [static]

Prepare generic data transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
[in] pid Pid to use for data transactions.
Transactions with alternating toggle bit and supplied pid value. The last transfer is marked with IOC flag.

Definition at line 306 of file batch.c.

usb_transfer_batch_t* batch_get ( ddf_fun_t fun,
endpoint_t ep,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buffer_size,
const char *  setup_buffer,
size_t  setup_size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t  func_in,
usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t  func_out,
void *  arg 

Allocate memory and initialize internal data structure.

[in] fun DDF function to pass to callback.
[in] ep Communication target
[in] buffer Data source/destination.
[in] buffer_size Size of the buffer.
[in] setup_buffer Setup data source (if not NULL)
[in] setup_size Size of setup_buffer (should be always 8)
[in] func_in function to call on inbound transfer completion
[in] func_out function to call on outbound transfer completion
[in] arg additional parameter to func_in or func_out
Valid pointer if all structures were successfully created, NULL otherwise.
Determines the number of needed transfer descriptors (TDs). Prepares a transport buffer (that is accessible by the hardware). Initializes parameters needed for the transfer and callback.

Definition at line 96 of file batch.c.

void batch_interrupt_in ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Prepare interrupt in transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
Data transfer with PID_IN.

Definition at line 244 of file batch.c.

void batch_interrupt_out ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Prepare interrupt out transfer.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
Data transfer with PID_OUT.

Definition at line 258 of file batch.c.

bool batch_is_complete ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Check batch TDs for activity.

[in] instance Batch structure to use.
False, if there is an active TD, true otherwise.
Walk all TDs. Stop with false if there is an active one (it is to be processed). Stop with true if an error is found. Return true if the last TD is reached.

Definition at line 170 of file batch.c.

qh_t * batch_qh ( usb_transfer_batch_t instance  ) 

Provides access to QH data structure.

[in] instance Batch pointer to use.
Pointer to the QH used by the batch.

Definition at line 415 of file batch.c.

static int bind_address ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_address_t  address,
devman_handle_t  handle 
) [static]

Bind address interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] address Address of the device
[in] handle Devman handle of the device driver.
Error code.

Definition at line 115 of file iface.c.

static int bulk_in ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_target_t  target,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t  callback,
void *  arg 
) [static]

Bulk in transaction interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] target USB device to write to.
[out] data Data destination.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] callback Function to call on transaction completion
[in] arg Additional for callback function.
Error code.

Definition at line 295 of file iface.c.

static int bulk_out ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_target_t  target,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t  callback,
void *  arg 
) [static]

Bulk out transaction interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] target USB device to write to.
[in] data Source of data.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] callback Function to call on transaction completion
[in] arg Additional for callback function.
Error code.

Definition at line 265 of file iface.c.

static int control_read ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_target_t  target,
void *  setup_data,
size_t  setup_size,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t  callback,
void *  arg 
) [static]

Control read transaction interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] target USB device to write to.
[in] setup_data Data to send with SETUP packet.
[in] setup_size Size of data to send with SETUP packet (should be 8B).
[out] data Source of data.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] callback Function to call on transaction completion.
[in] arg Additional for callback function.
Error code.

Definition at line 362 of file iface.c.

static int control_write ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_target_t  target,
void *  setup_data,
size_t  setup_size,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t  callback,
void *  arg 
) [static]

Control write transaction interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] target USB device to write to.
[in] setup_data Data to send with SETUP transfer.
[in] setup_size Size of data to send with SETUP transfer (always 8B).
[in] data Source of data.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] callback Function to call on transaction completion.
[in] arg Additional for callback function.
Error code.

Definition at line 327 of file iface.c.

static int find_by_address ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_address_t  address,
devman_handle_t handle 
) [static]

Find device handle by address interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] address Address in question.
[out] handle Where to store device handle if found.
Error code.

Definition at line 133 of file iface.c.

static hc_t* fun_to_hc ( ddf_fun_t fun  )  [inline, static]

Get and cast pointer to the driver data.

[in] fun DDF function pointer
cast pointer to driver_data

Definition at line 152 of file hc.h.

int hc_debug_checker ( void *  arg  )  [static]

Debug function, checks consistency of memory structures.

[in] arg UHCI structure to use.
EOK (should never return)

Definition at line 410 of file hc.c.

static void hc_fini ( hc_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Safely dispose host controller internal structures.

[in] instance Host controller structure to use.

Definition at line 145 of file hc.h.

int hc_init ( hc_t instance,
void *  regs,
size_t  reg_size,
bool  interrupts 

Initialize UHCI hc driver structure.

[in] instance Memory place to initialize.
[in] regs Address of I/O control registers.
[in] reg_size Size of I/O control registers.
[in] interrupts True if hw interrupts should be used.
Error code.
Should be called only once on any structure.
Initializes memory structures, starts up hw, and launches debugger and interrupt fibrils.

Definition at line 69 of file hc.c.

void hc_init_hw ( hc_t instance  )  [static]

Initialize UHCI hc hw resources.

[in] instance UHCI structure to use. For magic values see UHCI Design Guide

Definition at line 115 of file hc.c.

int hc_init_mem_structures ( hc_t instance  )  [static]

Initialize UHCI hc memory structures.

[in] instance UHCI structure to use.
Error code
Should be called only once on any structure.

Definition at line 163 of file hc.c.

int hc_init_transfer_lists ( hc_t instance  )  [static]

Initialize UHCI hc transfer lists.

[in] instance UHCI structure to use.
Error code
Should be called only once on any structure.
Initializes transfer lists and sets them in one chain to support proper USB scheduling. Sets pointer table for quick access.

Definition at line 247 of file hc.c.

void hc_interrupt ( hc_t instance,
uint16_t  status 

Take action based on the interrupt cause.

[in] instance UHCI structure to use.
[in] status Value of the status register at the time of interrupt.
Interrupt might indicate:

Definition at line 331 of file hc.c.

int hc_interrupt_emulator ( void *  arg  )  [static]

Polling function, emulates interrupts.

[in] arg UHCI hc structure to use.
EOK (should never return)

Definition at line 383 of file hc.c.

int hc_schedule ( hc_t instance,
usb_transfer_batch_t batch 

Add USB transfer to the schedule.

[in] instance UHCI structure to use.
[in] batch Transfer batch to schedule.
Error code
Checks for bandwidth availability and appends the batch to the proper queue.

Definition at line 308 of file hc.c.

static int interrupt_in ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_target_t  target,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_in_callback_t  callback,
void *  arg 
) [static]

Interrupt in transaction interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] target USB device to write to.
[out] data Data destination.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] callback Function to call on transaction completion
[in] arg Additional for callback function.
Error code.

Definition at line 235 of file iface.c.

static int interrupt_out ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_target_t  target,
void *  data,
size_t  size,
usbhc_iface_transfer_out_callback_t  callback,
void *  arg 
) [static]

Interrupt out transaction interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] target USB device to write to.
[in] data Source of data.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] callback Function to call on transaction completion
[in] arg Additional for callback function.
Error code.

Definition at line 205 of file iface.c.

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Main entry point.

[in] argc Number of arguments in argv vector (ignored).
[in] argv Cmdline argument vector (ignored).
Error code.
Driver debug level is set here.

Definition at line 85 of file main.c.

int pci_disable_legacy ( const ddf_dev_t device  ) 

Call the PCI driver with a request to clear legacy support register.

[in] device Device asking to disable interrupts
Error code.

Definition at line 139 of file pci.c.

int pci_enable_interrupts ( const ddf_dev_t device  ) 

Call the PCI driver with a request to enable interrupts.

[in] device Device asking for interrupts
Error code.

Definition at line 122 of file pci.c.

int pci_get_my_registers ( const ddf_dev_t dev,
uintptr_t io_reg_address,
size_t io_reg_size,
int *  irq_no 

Get I/O address of registers and IRQ for given device.

[in] dev Device asking for the addresses.
[out] io_reg_address Base address of the I/O range.
[out] io_reg_size Size of the I/O range.
[out] irq_no IRQ assigned to the device.
Error code.

Definition at line 54 of file pci.c.

static void qh_init ( qh_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Initialize queue head structure.

[in] instance qh_t structure to initialize.
Sets both pointer to terminal NULL.

Definition at line 56 of file queue_head.h.

static void qh_set_element_td ( qh_t instance,
td_t td 
) [inline, static]

Set queue head element pointer.

[in] instance qh_t structure to use.
[in] td Transfer descriptor to set as the first element.
Adds proper flag. If the pointer is NULL, sets element to terminal NULL.

Definition at line 88 of file queue_head.h.

static void qh_set_next_qh ( qh_t instance,
qh_t next 
) [inline, static]

Set queue head next pointer.

[in] instance qh_t structure to use.
[in] next Address of the next queue.
Adds proper flag. If the pointer is NULL, sets next to terminal NULL.

Definition at line 71 of file queue_head.h.

static int release_address ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_address_t  address 
) [static]

Release address interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] address USB address to be released.
Error code.

Definition at line 150 of file iface.c.

static int request_address ( ddf_fun_t fun,
usb_speed_t  speed,
usb_address_t address 
) [static]

Request address interface function.

[in] fun DDF function that was called.
[in] speed Speed to associate with the new default address.
[out] address Place to write a new address.
Error code.

Definition at line 92 of file iface.c.

static size_t td_act_size ( td_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Helper function for parsing actual size out of TD.

[in] instance TD structure to use.
Parsed actual size.

Definition at line 108 of file transfer_descriptor.h.

void td_init ( td_t instance,
int  err_count,
size_t  size,
bool  toggle,
bool  iso,
bool  low_speed,
usb_target_t  target,
usb_packet_id  pid,
void *  buffer,
td_t next 

Initialize Transfer Descriptor.

[in] instance Memory place to initialize.
[in] err_count Number of retries hc should attempt.
[in] size Size of data source.
[in] toggle Value of toggle bit.
[in] iso True if TD represents Isochronous transfer.
[in] low_speed Target device's speed.
[in] target Address and endpoint receiving the transfer.
[in] pid Packet identification (SETUP, IN or OUT).
[in] buffer Source of data.
[in] next Net TD in transaction.
Error code.
Uses a mix of supplied and default values. Implicit values:

Dumps 8 bytes of buffer if PID_SETUP is used.

Definition at line 62 of file transfer_descriptor.c.

static bool td_is_active ( td_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Helper function for parsing value of active bit.

[in] instance TD structure to use.
Active bit value.

Definition at line 147 of file transfer_descriptor.h.

static bool td_is_short ( td_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Check whether less than max data were received on SPD marked transfer.

[in] instance TD structure to use.
True if data packet is short (less than max bytes and SPD set), false otherwise.

Definition at line 121 of file transfer_descriptor.h.

void td_print_status ( td_t instance  ) 

Print values in status field (dw1) in a human readable way.

[in] instance TD structure to use.

Definition at line 152 of file transfer_descriptor.c.

static void td_set_ioc ( td_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Helper function for setting IOC bit.

[in] instance TD structure to use.

Definition at line 157 of file transfer_descriptor.h.

int td_status ( td_t instance  ) 

Convert TD status into standard error code.

[in] instance TD structure to use.
Error code.

Definition at line 115 of file transfer_descriptor.c.

static int td_toggle ( td_t instance  )  [inline, static]

Helper function for parsing value of toggle bit.

[in] instance TD structure to use.
Toggle bit value.

Definition at line 136 of file transfer_descriptor.h.

void transfer_list_abort_all ( transfer_list_t instance  ) 

Walk the list and finish all batches with EINTR.

[in] instance List to use.

Definition at line 181 of file transfer_list.c.

void transfer_list_add_batch ( transfer_list_t instance,
usb_transfer_batch_t batch 

Add transfer batch to the list and queue.

[in] instance List to use.
[in] batch Transfer batch to submit.
The batch is added to the end of the list and queue.

Definition at line 107 of file transfer_list.c.

void transfer_list_fini ( transfer_list_t instance  ) 

Dispose transfer list structures.

[in] instance Memory place to use.
Frees memory of the internal qh_t structure.

Definition at line 78 of file transfer_list.c.

int transfer_list_init ( transfer_list_t instance,
const char *  name 

Initialize transfer list structures.

[in] instance Memory place to use.
[in] name Name of the new list.
Error code
Allocates memory for internal qh_t structure.

Definition at line 53 of file transfer_list.c.

void transfer_list_remove_batch ( transfer_list_t instance,
usb_transfer_batch_t batch 
) [static]

Remove a transfer batch from the list and queue.

[in] instance List to use.
[in] batch Transfer batch to remove.
Does not lock the transfer list, caller is responsible for that.

Definition at line 201 of file transfer_list.c.

void transfer_list_remove_finished ( transfer_list_t instance,
link_t done 

Add completed bantches to the provided list.

[in] instance List to use.
[in] done list to fill

Definition at line 155 of file transfer_list.c.

void transfer_list_set_next ( transfer_list_t instance,
transfer_list_t next 

Set the next list in transfer list chain.

[in] instance List to lead.
[in] next List to append.
Error code
Does not check whether this replaces an existing list .

Definition at line 91 of file transfer_list.c.

int uhci_add_device ( ddf_dev_t device  )  [static]

Initialize a new ddf driver instance for uhci hc and hub.

[in] device DDF instance of the device to initialize.
Error code.

Definition at line 61 of file main.c.

static void uhci_transfer_batch_dispose ( void *  uhci_batch  )  [static]

Safely destructs uhci_transfer_batch_t structure.

[in] uhci_batch Instance to destroy.

Definition at line 70 of file batch.c.

Generated on Thu Jun 2 07:45:56 2011 for HelenOS/USB by  doxygen 1.4.7